Frequently asked questions about DUPLEX water softening system

Product: DUPLEX water softening system

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According to DIN, maintenance should be carried out by a specialist at least every 12 months.
We would be happy to offer you maintenance (also as a contract).

Product: DUPLEX water softening system

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The regeneration of this system is volume controlled, which means that it is activated based on the amount of water flowing through and not on the measured water hardness.

Product: DUPLEX water softening system

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Yes, you can use the system to treat your water without blending it and thus achieve a residual hardness of 0°dH. To do this, simply turn the intersection completely.

Product: DUPLEX water softening system

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The advantage of a duplex water softener system and its suitability for different households can be summarized as follows:

Advantages of a duplex system:

  • Continuous supply: A duplex system consists of two resin tanks, one of which is always in operation while the other is being regenerated. This means that you have continuous soft water available, even during regeneration phases.
  • Higher capacity: Due to the two resin tanks, the duplex system can process larger quantities of hard water, which is particularly useful in households with high water consumption.
  • More efficient regeneration: Regeneration can occur at an optimal time without interrupting the water flow. This can lead to more efficient use of salt and water.
  • Longer resin life: Since the resin in the containers is used in rotation, this can contribute to a longer resin life.
  • Recommendation for a 5-person household: For a single-family home with a 5-person household, it is important to choose a system that can cover the daily water needs. The size you need depends on several factors, including:

  • Average water consumption per person: As a rule, a daily consumption of around 120-150 liters per person is assumed.
  • Water hardness in your region: The harder the water, the greater the capacity of the softening system should be.
  • Specific needs: Additional factors such as the number of bathrooms, faucets, and water-intensive appliances (such as dishwashers and washing machines) may influence needs.
  • For a 5-person household in an area with average to high water hardness, a medium to large duplex system would be recommended. However, an exact size recommendation can only be made taking into account all the specific circumstances in your household.

    Duplex systems are particularly recommended for households with consistently high water consumption and for situations where constant availability of soft water is crucial. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or would like a more specific recommendation based on your specific needs.

    Product: DUPLEX water softening system

    0 upvotes 1 answers

    Unsere Enthärtungsanlagen entfernen lediglich die Wasserhärte (Kalzium und Magnesium).
    Um Eisen und Mangan aus dem Wasser zu entfernen, können wir Ihnen unsere Penta Wasseraufbereitungsanlagen empfehlen:


    Product: DUPLEX water softening system

    -1 upvotes 1 answers

    Regeneration takes about an hour.

    With the duplex system, only one of the two columns regenerates. This means that soft water is available to you as usual during this time.

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