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Eisenfilter für Brunnenwasser

Iron removal systems are specially developed systems that help remove iron and manganese from well water. These systems are particularly important for households and businesses that use well water to improve water quality and prevent discoloration and deposits. In our shop you will find a wide selection of iron removal systems that are tailored to the specific requirements of well water treatment.

Why a deferrization system?

1. Improve water quality: Iron and manganese are common contaminants in well water that can cause discoloration and unpleasant taste. Iron removal systems efficiently remove these metals, ensuring clear and clean water.

2. Protecting pipes and equipment: High concentrations of iron and manganese can cause deposits in pipes and household appliances, shortening their lifespan and reducing efficiency. Iron removal systems protect your infrastructure and increase the lifespan of your equipment.

3. Hygiene and health: By removing iron and manganese, iron removal systems contribute to general hygiene and prevent the formation of biofilm-like deposits, which can be a breeding ground for microorganisms.

4. Garden irrigation: When watering the garden, iron and manganese residues can leave rust stains on the panels. A deferrization system ensures that the water is clear and clean even for watering the garden, without leaving any residue.

How iron removal systems work

Ion exchange process: Iron removal systems that use the ion exchange process remove iron and manganese from the water by exchanging these ions for other, less problematic ions.

  1. Ion exchange resins: The water flows through a special ion exchange resin that absorbs the iron and manganese ions and exchanges them for sodium ions. These resins are specially designed to remove iron and manganese and ensure effective filtration.
  2. Regeneration: Periodically, the resin is regenerated by flushing it with a saline solution. This process removes the accumulated iron and manganese ions from the resin and prepares it for the next round of water treatment.

Advantages of deferrization systems

  1. Effective iron and manganese removal: Deferrization systems reliably remove iron and manganese from your well water, preventing discoloration and deposits.
  2. Improved water quality: The filtered water is clear, clean and pleasant to the taste, making it ideal for daily use and garden irrigation.
  3. Infrastructure longevity: Protecting pipes, water heaters and other equipment from harmful deposits.
  4. Easy maintenance: Most deferrization systems are equipped with automatic regeneration systems that ensure easy maintenance and smooth operation.

Areas of application

  • Households: Deferrification systems are ideal for private households that use well water and want to ensure high water quality.
  • Agriculture: In agriculture, clean water is needed for irrigation and livestock farming. Deferrification systems help improve water quality and remove contaminants.
  • Commercial: Businesses that use well water benefit from iron removal systems because they improve water quality and extend the life of equipment.
  • Industry: In industrial applications where high quality water is required, iron removal systems ensure the necessary purity.


Iron removal systems offer an effective solution for removing iron and manganese from well water, improving water quality and protecting your infrastructure. In our iron removal systems category you will find a wide range of products that have been specifically developed for the requirements of well water treatment.

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Latest Reviews

Robert K.
Sep 23, 2023
Product: Penta Duplex 50 iron filter system
Satisfied so far. Instead of iron-rich water, we have clear...
Satisfied so far. Instead of iron-rich water, we have clear water
Manfred H.
Jul 24, 2023
Product: Penta Duplex 50 iron filter system
I use the system to defrost my well water, ...
I use the system to defrost my well water, which I use to refill my swimming pool. The water is crystal clear and no longer has a brown tint. The system work...
Christian v.
Dec 6, 2021
After a few weeks the function is problem-free. One...
After a few weeks the function is problem-free. An overall assessment is only possible after longer use.
Andreas I.
Nov 15, 2019
Good job
Martin H.
Apr 18, 2016
Product: FILTRASELECT-PENTA-Duplex 31 multi-filter system
A good product for anyone who has limescale problems with the water...
A good product for anyone who has limescale problems with their water and wants to get rid of them sustainably.

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Product: Mixed bed complete demineralization cartridge 50 liters

157 upvotes 1 answers
This refers to the connection of the mixed-bed demineralization cartridge into the pipeline.
This can be easily disconnected and reconnected for maintenance or replacement work.

Product: FCA 30 deacidification plant

134 upvotes 1 answers

Regarding the ALFILTRA FCA 30 deacidification system and the calcite refill requirement: Over the course of use, the amount of calcite, which serves as the main medium for water deacidification, will gradually decrease. This is a normal process caused by the continuous neutralization of the acid in the water. Instead of a complete replacement, only regular replenishment of the calcite is required to maintain the system's effective function. This filling can easily be done by purchasing calcite in bags from us as accessories.

It is important to note that the frequency of refills depends on various factors, including the water quality and water usage in your home or business. We recommend checking calcite levels regularly and refilling as necessary to ensure continuous and efficient deacidification of your water.

Product: PENTA multi-filter system

126 upvotes 1 answers
For well water systems (Penta), the resin should be changed every 5 years during major maintenance.
We would be happy to make you a suitable offer.

Product: PENTA multi-filter system

111 upvotes 1 answers

The resin in this filter system is designed for a pH range of 5 to 9, meaning it should work even at a pH of 6, where the water is slightly acidic.

However, you should note that although the resin can work in this pH range, slightly acidic water (pH 6) is not ideal for use as drinking water. In the long term, acidic water can cause corrosion in pipes and affect the taste of the water.

If you plan to use the filtered water as drinking water, it is recommended to also install a deacidification system. Such a system can increase the pH of the water and make it more neutral, which is not only beneficial for iron filtration but also improves the quality of drinking water and protects your plumbing.

Product: PENTA multi-filter system

90 upvotes 1 answers
First the 80 μm pre-filter is installed, then the Penta system and then the carbon followed by the 20 μm sediment filter.
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