Why is nitrate in drinking water dangerous?

Jul 19, 2024, 1:48:04 PM

The German Drinking Water Ordinance sets nitrate limits of 50 mg NO3/l. But this value is often exceeded.

Why is nitrate in drinking water dangerous?

Nitrates are water-soluble salts of nitrogen and occur naturally in the soil. For humans, animals and most plants, nitrogen is a vital substance that is responsible for the formation of proteins in the body.

Nitrates therefore serve as nutrients for plants. For this reason, the originally natural substance is used as fertilizer in fields and accumulates in the soil in unnaturally large quantities. Excrement from farm animals also contains high levels of nitrates and pollutes the groundwater to the same extent. Areas and pastures that are mainly used for livestock farming are therefore also difficult nitrate problem areas, as are over-fertilized areas.

Nitrates are generally not harmful to healthy, adult humans. As already mentioned, nitrogen salts are responsible for the formation of protein in the body and are among the essential substances in the human organism. However, there is the possibility that with the help of various intestinal bacteria, the nitrate can develop into nitrite. In addition, the nitrogen salts can develop into nitrosamines, which are carcinogenic.

Nitrate in drinking water poses a real danger, especially for infants under six months of age. If the child is poisoned by the high concentration of nitrates, this can result in cyanosis, which can even be fatal.

If the nitrogen salts in the body develop into nitrite, this can cause a change in the red blood pigment, especially in babies up to about three months of age. Since the blood then no longer transports enough oxygen to the organs, damage to development can result, or the disease can even be fatal. If babies are given drinking water, the concentration of nitrates in the water must be less than 50 milligrams per liter.

Solution: NO3 denitration systems from Alfiltra

Our NO3 denitration systems offer an effective solution for reducing nitrate in drinking water. These systems:

  • Reliably reduce the nitrate content below the limit.
  • Protect particularly vulnerable groups, such as infants, from health risks.
  • Ensure the quality of drinking water in your household.

Advantages of our systems

  • Easy installation and maintenance
  • High efficiency and reliability
  • Durable and robust construction

Contact and advice

For individual advice and further information about our NO3 denitration systems, please contact us. Together we will ensure safe and healthy drinking water.