Water softening system test

Since we are not aware of any current test report from an independent institute for water softening systems, we would like to subject our water softening systems to a subjective test here. This test is not to be understood as an independent test, but only relates to our FILTRASOFT systems and only reflects our opinion.

Do I even need a water softener?

First, the all-important question: Who needs a water softener anyway? This question depends mainly on the water hardness of your tap water. In general, our German drinking water is of the highest quality and does not need to be treated further. Nevertheless, there are many areas in Germany with high to very high water hardness . If the water hardness is low (i.e. values below 8 °dH), it makes no sense to think about a water softener. High water hardness means that a lot of limescale can build up in your pipes and appliances (washing machine, etc.).

So why not lower your water hardness to prevent your appliances from breaking down or having to be descaled with chemicals? In our opinion , the advantages outweigh the disadvantages and there are even many communities that share this opinion .

Are there any disadvantages to water softening?

We don't want to pull the wool over our customers' eyes and are therefore willing to be as honest with them as possible. The use of a water softening system naturally also entails costs. The biggest cost is the salt that our systems need to function properly. In addition to the salt, the systems require electricity and, depending on their size, produce a certain amount of wastewater. As already mentioned above, however, we believe that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages and have therefore provided you with a sample calculation .


First, we would like to explain how our water softening systems work. There are various technologies on the market for removing water hardness. For us, the ion exchange process has proven itself for many years. The hardness-forming calcium and magnesium are removed from the water using a special resin. The softening resin has a certain capacity and must be regenerated using salt . You can find a detailed description of how it works on our information pages on water softening .

de/water-softening-info/how-ion-exchange-works"> Schematische Darstellung


Our systems meet the requirements of the Drinking Water Ordinance (see Section 17, Paragraph 1) and can be installed in your drinking water pipe network without any concerns. All components used are of the highest quality and are suitable for use with drinking water. Certification of the systems is recommended in the Drinking Water Ordinance, but is not required, as our systems meet the requirements mentioned in Section 17.

Technical data

You can view the properties and technical data on the respective product pages in our online shop. You can also find a summary of the technical data here .


You can find the prices of our systems directly in our online shop under the category water softening systems . Our systems are available in duplex or basic versions. The basic systems have a softening column, which means that no soft water is available during the regeneration break (approx. 1 hour). In most cases, however, this is not a problem, as the regeneration break can be set to take place at night. The duplex systems have two softening columns and can therefore switch between the two columns during regeneration. The duplex systems are therefore suitable when an uninterrupted supply is desired.


We offer our customers a Germany-wide assembly service . The assembly and commissioning is carried out by one of our assembly partners in your area. Our assembly partners are qualified specialists who, like us, pay attention to quality and service.

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Characteristic Cheap systems Alfiltra Basic Systems Alfiltra Duplex systems LeycoSoft Pro Systems
reliability Small amount - Frequent failures and problems according to customer reviews High - Reliable (technology that has been proven for years) Very high - As reliable as basic systems + second pillar for uninterrupted soft water supply High - Reliable (technology that has been proven for years)
Regeneration process Inaccurate - Time controlled, higher water and salt consumption Automatically - Water quantity controlled self-learning Automatically - Water quantity controlled self-learning + optimal utilization through parallel operation Automatically - Water quantity controlled self-learning
environmental friendliness Low - High salt and water consumption High - Optimized salt consumption Optimal - Efficient use of resources High - Optimized salt consumption
Country of Manufacture Often not EU Germany Germany Germany
Water connection 3/4" - Possible pressure loss 1" - including connection fitting and hoses Up to 2" - including connection fitting and hoses 1" - Hoses in 3/4"
Detailed assembly instructions Mostly inadequate Available - German with pictures Available - German with pictures Available - German with pictures
guarantee Often only legal guarantee Up to 7 years - with annual maintenance Up to 7 years - with annual maintenance Up to 7 years - with annual maintenance
Approval and certification Often no compliance with legal requirements Compliance with legal requirements - DVGW certificate for connection fitting Compliance with legal requirements - DVGW certificate for connection fitting additional DVGW certificate - for system and connection fitting
Height of the waste water connection above the ground Maximum 1 m
If the wastewater is higher, a brine-compatible lifting system is required
Up to 2.5 m - therefore no lifting system required Up to 2.5 m - therefore no lifting system required Maximum 1 m
If the wastewater is higher, a brine-compatible lifting system is required
Overflow protection in case of power failure Often no one
In the worst case, the water will leak out through the overflow for the duration of the power outage
Safety float valve - reliably prevents overflow in the event of a power failure Safety float valve - reliably prevents overflow in the event of a power failure Safety float valve - reliably prevents overflow in the event of a power failure
Exchange resin Inferior resin - Must be replaced often High quality resin - Long service life > 10 years High quality resin - Long service life > 10 years High quality resin - Long service life > 10 years
Help with disruptions Self-help - Often you have to repair it yourself In-house service team - Easy replacement or repair In-house service team - Easy replacement or repair In-house service team - Easy replacement or repair
scope of application Small households Small to medium-sized households Large households, apartment buildings and commercial use Medium to large households
service Often without display - No information on remaining capacity or other statistics Multi-line display and physical buttons Multi-line display and physical buttons Multi-line display and physical buttons (optionally controllable via app)
maintenance Mostly not possible Low maintenance - Maintenance by our service technicians possible at any time (optional with maintenance contract) Low maintenance - Maintenance by our service technicians possible at any time (optional with maintenance contract) Low maintenance - Maintenance by our service technicians possible at any time (optional with maintenance contract)
Availability of spare parts Limited Very good - Fast availability Very good - Fast availability Very good - Faste Availability

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Product: BASIC water softening system

269 upvotes 1 answers

The resin cartridges in your Basic 40 softening system generally do not need to be replaced because they regenerate themselves. The regeneration of the resin is an automated process that takes place during the cleaning cycles of the system. Here are some details:

  • Regeneration process: During regeneration, the resin is flushed with a salt solution, which dissolves and removes the accumulated calcium and magnesium ions (which are responsible for water hardness) from the resin. This “renews” the resin and can be used effectively to soften water again.

  • Regular cleaning: This regeneration is carried out regularly, depending on the amount of water used and the hardness of the water. In a 4-person household with a water hardness of 20° dH, the system will regenerate more frequently to ensure efficiency.

  • No replacement necessary: As long as the system is properly maintained and the regenerating salt is topped up regularly, the resin cartridges do not need to be replaced. However, you should regularly inspect and maintain the system to ensure its longevity and optimal performance.

  • In summary, the resin cartridges in your Basic 40 system are maintained effectively by the built-in regeneration process and therefore do not require regular replacement.

    Product: BASIC water softening system

    231 upvotes 1 answers

    It is best to let the salt empty until the water is visible.
    Then refill and ideally not full to the brim so that there is not too much weight on the salt.

    If you keep filling the container without waiting until you see the water at the bottom, clumps can occur.

    Product: BASIC water softening system

    223 upvotes 1 answers

    According to the DIN standard, maintenance should be carried out by a specialist at least every 12 months to ensure optimal function and safety of the system.

    However, our water softening systems are designed to be so reliable that many customers carry out regular checks themselves. As long as the system is working properly and no problems occur, there are no legal requirements that make maintenance mandatory. Nevertheless, we recommend checking the system regularly and calling in a specialist if necessary to ensure long-term safety and efficiency.

    Product: DUPLEX water softening system

    143 upvotes 1 answers
    Yes, we would be happy to offer you a suitable maintenance contract.

    Product: BASIC water softening system

    141 upvotes 1 answers
    We normally work with photos of the on-site situation, which our fitters look at.
    If our fitters are not completely sure, we are happy to offer an on-site appointment. But this is the absolute exception.
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