Basic settings of the CLACK WS1 control valve

Jan 31, 2024, 2:01:41 PM

Table of Contents

In this article we will show you how you can make the basic settings on our CLACK WS 1 control valve. We will also show you how you can read diagnostic data and, for example, display water consumption. The CLACK WS1 is installed on all FILTRASOFT softening systems with 1" connections.

Set the time (the time flashes when you switch it on for the first time)

  • Press the SET CLOCK button
  • SETTIME: Set the hours using the UP ARROW / DOWN ARROW buttons
  • Press the SET CLOCK button
  • SETTIME: Set the minutes using the UP ARROW / DOWN ARROW buttons
  • Press the SET CLOCK button

During operation (level 1)

In normal operation, the system is on level 1 and displays the time or one of the values listed below. As soon as water runs through the system, the SOFTENING indicator flashes on the left edge of the display. If regeneration is planned for the coming night, REGEN TODAY appears in the left margin.

  • The time is displayed
  • Press the NEXT button
  • Instantaneous flow in m³
  • Press the NEXT button
  • CAPACITY REMAINING: Remaining capacity until regeneration
  • Press the NEXT button
  • The time is displayed again

Set water parameters (level 2)

  • You are on level 1 (see above)
  • Press the NEXT and UP ARROW buttons simultaneously
  • SET HARDNESS: Water hardness at the input - Change the value by pressing the ARROW UP / DOWN buttons
  • Press the NEXT button
  • Desired residual hardness (water hardness at output) - Change the value by pressing the UP/DOWN ARROW
  • Press the NEXT button
  • SET RAIN DAY: Days until forced regeneration (The system regenerates after X days regardless of whether the capacity has been used) - Change the value by pressing the UP / DOWN ARROW
  • Press the NEXT button
  • SETTIME RAIN: Time of regeneration - Change the value by pressing the UP/DOWN ARROW
  • Press the NEXT button
  • You are back on level 1

For experienced users and statistics fans: Read detailed diagnostic data and statistics