Remove nitrate from drinking water

Jan 31, 2024, 2:14:22 PM

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The content of nitrate and nitrite in drinking water is regulated by the Drinking Water Ordinance. The Drinking Water Ordinance regulates the nitrate content in drinking water as follows:

The Drinking Water Ordinance of May 21, 2001 (TrinkwV 2001) contains a limit value of 50 mg/l for nitrate. If nitrite is also present at a borderline level (0.5 mg/l), the nitrate concentration may not be more than 40 mg/l according to the drinking water regulation.

What is Nitrate?

Nitrates and nitrites are esters and salts of nitric acid. Nitrate has been used as a fertilizer in agriculture for years. Nitrates and nitrites can be converted into one another in water. Due to its good solubility, nitrate is a substance that is quickly washed out of the soil and thus ends up in the groundwater and thus in the drinking water. This property also makes nitrate in drinking water so dangerous to health, especially for infants up to 6 months of age. When nitrate enters the blood, it chemically reduces the red blood pigment hemoglobin to methemoglobin. The methemoglobin no longer binds oxygen. If there is no longer enough hemoglobin available to transport oxygen, this deficiency causes what is known as internal asphyxia. The result can be the death of the infant.

How can the nitrate content of drinking water be measured?

The nitrate content in water can be measured using a titration set to determine the nitrate content. If you are connected to the public water network, you can ask the responsible waterworks about the nitrate content.

How can the nitrate content in water be reduced?

Simply boiling the water is not enough to reduce the nitrate content in the water! Nitrate filters based on ion exchangers have proven to be a proven method. These work on the same principle as conventional softening systems .

From a health perspective, it is highly recommended to remove nitrate from drinking water if the limit value for nitrate is exceeded.

Nitrate filter functionality

The most effective way to remove nitrates from drinking water is through so-called ion exchange. The nitrate ions from the water are exchanged for harmless sodium. In this way, lower nitrate levels can be achieved in drinking water so that the drinking water regulations can be complied with again.

Who needs a nitrate filter for drinking water?

If you want to use well water as drinking water, you should pay strict attention to the substances it contains. It is also advisable to have a water analysis carried out regularly. If the nitrate value in the water is above the limit, you should take action and install a nitrate filter.

When supplying from the public network, a nitrate filter is usually not necessary. Tap water in Germany is largely of the best quality and can usually be drunk without hesitation.

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