What happens to my water treatment system if there is a power outage?

Jan 31, 2024, 2:06:12 PM

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If there is a power outage, nothing will happen to your system. There will also be no water damage.


How does the control valve behave in the event of a power failure?

The control valve has a buffer battery. This means that all settings remain saved. As soon as power is available again, the system jumps back to the point at which it was interrupted before the power failure.

Can a power outage cause water damage?

No. This is prevented by the float switch, which is installed for safety. For example, if the power goes out in the middle of filling the system and comes back on, the system only fills until the float switch trips.

The time flashes in the display

This is normal after a power outage. This means the system shows you that there has been a power failure. All you have to do is set the time again and the system will continue to work as usual.