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Steam boiler

Water treatment for steam boilers using reverse osmosis and mixed bed resin for complete demineralization

It is essential for steam boilers and steam generators to completely desalinate the water. This means that all salts present in the water are removed. The complete desalination of water is possible using a reverse osmosis system with a downstream mixed bed resin. Alfiltra offers you the right systems for the complete desalination of water as a complete package.

Why should the water for the steam boiler or steam generator be completely demineralized?

In the boiler, especially in the steam generator, water with salts causes corrosion and deposit formation. Over time, the salts accumulate as only chemically pure water escapes from the boiler through evaporation. Therefore, water must be added to the boiler. The boiler must be regularly cleaned of sedimented particles using a blowdown valve.

Ein Dampfkessel für den Wasseraufbereitung mittels Umkehrosmose und Vollentzalzung ermöglicht wird.

*Image represents a steam boiler, not a water treatment system.

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Latest Reviews

Jul 25, 2022
Runs and runs and runs. :-)
Rocco S.
Feb 18, 2022
Easy to use, great system
Marc S.
Jun 5, 2021
Certainly the right decision for a single-family household...
Certainly the right decision for a single-family household. It's easy to use and the water tastes much better...
Wolfgang H.
Nov 4, 2020
Very good workmanship, runs without any problems.

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