
Aug 5, 2024, 12:12:58 PM

Deacidification is an important process in water treatment that aims to raise the pH of acidic water and make it neutral or slightly alkaline. This is especially important to prevent corrosion in pipes and household appliances and to improve water quality.

What is deacidification?

Deacidification refers to the neutralization of acidic water by adding alkaline substances. Clean drinking water should have a pH value between 6.5 and 9.5 to be safe and drinkable.

Methods of deacidification

1. Limestone or dolomite filters These filters are filled with calcareous materials that dissolve when acidic water flows through them, thus increasing the pH value.

  • How it works: The acidic water flows through a bed of limestone (calcium carbonate) or dolomite (calcium magnesium carbonate), neutralizing the acid and raising the pH value.
  • Advantages: Natural and cost-effective method to raise pH.

2. Addition of chemicals The targeted addition of basic chemicals such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH) or potassium hydroxide (KOH) can quickly raise the pH of the water.

  • How it works: Basic chemicals are added to the acidic water in controlled amounts to neutralize the excess acid.
  • Advantages: Very effective and fast, but requires careful dosing and monitoring.

3. Deacidification plants Specialized plants often combine different deacidification methods and are suitable for larger quantities of water or industrial applications.

  • How it works: These systems can contain both filtration media and chemical dosing systems to precisely control pH.
  • Advantages: Suitable for large water volumes and industrial applications, offers precise control and adaptability.

Benefits of deacidification

  1. Corrosion protection: By raising the pH value, the corrosion rate in pipes and equipment is reduced, which extends their service life.
  2. Improved water quality: Neutralized water is safer and more palatable for human consumption.
  3. Protection of the environment and infrastructure: Deacidification prevents the harmful effects of acidic water on the environment and infrastructure.

Maintenance and care of deacidification systems

  • Regular checking: The pH of the water should be checked regularly to ensure that the deacidification is effective.
  • Replacing the filtration media: Limestone or dolomite filters must be replaced or regenerated periodically to maintain their effectiveness.
  • Monitoring the chemical dosage: During chemical deacidification, the dosage of the bases must be closely monitored and adjusted.


Deacidification is an essential step in water treatment to improve water quality and prevent corrosion. Applying appropriate methods to neutralize acidic water can ensure that the water is safe and drinkable.