What does a pressure reducer do and what is it used for?

Jan 31, 2024, 2:51:54 PM

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What does a pressure reducer do in connection with the house water installation? A pressure reducer mainly reduces the inlet pressure and keeps it constant. A pressure reducer can be installed as a single component. Alternatively, there are house water filters in which a pressure reducer is integrated.

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Inlet pressure too high

For example, it may happen that the inlet pressure at your house connection is very high. Without a pressure reducer, you would notice that the water would literally shoot out of the taps. Depending on the pressure level, this can lead to damage to the house installation. Too high water pressure can cause a boiler to burst.

Reduce water consumption

Water consumption can be reduced through a lower inlet pressure. The lower the pressure, the less water usually comes out of the tap or shower.

Constant pressure

It can happen that the water pressure from the supply side fluctuates. This means that at certain times, for example, there is higher water pressure than at other times. A pressure reducer can keep the pressure constant (within a certain range). What the pressure reducer cannot do is increase the pressure.

Protection against pressure surges

Last but not least, a pressure reducer protects the pipes from pressure surges. A pressure surge can be caused by the rapid opening or closing of a valve or by switching a pump on or off (in the well area).

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