Frequently asked questions about LEYCOsoft 9/15 water softener carefree package

4 upvotes 1 answers

The system can theoretically pump the wastewater up to a height of 1.5 m. Please note, however, that the system also has an overflow protection, which should also be connected. We generally recommend either a lifting system that can tolerate salt brine or placing the system on a platform.

3 upvotes 1 answers

The salt level is calculated in this system. When you top up the salt, enter the salt level via the control. You will then receive an email notification at the calculated time.

2 upvotes 1 answers

The Leycosoft softening system carries out regeneration using a countercurrent process.

The regeneration phases take place as follows:
Backwash, quick rinse, brine filling, salting/slow rinse, backwash, quick rinse.

2 upvotes 1 answers
In this system, forced regeneration takes place after 4 days (96 hours) in accordance with the DVGW specifications.

1 upvotes 1 answers

Yes, in order to be able to use the app function, a functioning WLAN is required on the system. Please test this beforehand with a smartphone at the intended installation location.

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