Frequently asked questions about Spektron UV disinfection system with DVGW for drinking water

Product: Spektron UV disinfection system with DVGW for drinking water

126 upvotes 1 answers

The disinfection of cloudy water with a UV disinfection system, such as the Spektron UV system with DVGW certification, may be limited. Here are some points to consider:

  • Effectiveness in case of turbidity: The effectiveness of UV disinfection depends heavily on the clarity of the water. Cloudy water can absorb or scatter UV rays, making them less effective at inactivating microorganisms. Particles in water can "hide" microorganisms, meaning they are not exposed to the full intensity of UV radiation.

  • Pre-filtration recommended: For effective UV disinfection of cloudy water, pre-filtration is usually recommended to reduce turbidity. By removing particles and suspended matter in the water, UV radiation can work more efficiently.

  • Checking water quality: Before using a UV disinfection system, water quality, including turbidity, should be checked.

  • Regular Maintenance: To ensure effective disinfection, it is important to regularly maintain and clean the UV lamp and quartz housing, as deposits on these parts can also affect UV transmission.

  • In summary, although it is possible to disinfect cloudy water with a UV system, it may be necessary to perform additional steps such as pre-filtration to ensure the effectiveness of the disinfection. We would be happy to create an individual offer for you.

    Product: Spektron UV disinfection system with DVGW for drinking water

    113 upvotes 1 answers

    We are very pleased that you are interested in a combination of UV-C system and water softening system. We currently do not offer these two systems as an integrated complete system. However, this does not mean that we are unable to create a tailor-made solution for your specific needs.

    To ensure we can provide you with the best possible offer, we would like you to provide us with some details about your exact water needs and specific requirements. With this information we can put together an optimal combination of UV-C system and water softening system that is tailored precisely to your needs.

    Our team of experts is committed to providing you with an efficient and effective solution that ensures your water is not only soft but also free of bacteria and viruses. We look forward to hearing from you and working together to develop the perfect solution for your water quality needs.

    Product: Spektron UV disinfection system with DVGW for drinking water

    108 upvotes 1 answers
    Yes, the devices in the Aquada series meet the technical specifications, but the manufacturer has not presented them for certification by the DVGW. This is only the case with devices in the Spektron series. These are DVGW certified.

    If you would like to use a system from the Aquada series, you must first clarify with your responsible authority (health department) whether the use of such a device is recognized.

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