Reference #41618: Plug & Play reverse osmosis system with water softener


Plug & Play reverse osmosis system with water softener
Plug & Play reverse osmosis system with water softener

A client from Portugal, who runs a beautiful yoga resort, contacted us with a specific request: the local water quality was a challenge and they needed to find a solution that would provide clean and drinkable water to the resort's guests. The existing water had high levels of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and chloride (Cl), which required an osmosis system to bring the water quality to an acceptable level.

Requirements and challenges:

  • Daily water requirement: 6 cubic meters
  • Water values:
    • pH value: 7.9
    • Conductivity: 6 mS/cm
    • Calcium carbonate (CaCO3): 1000 mg/l
    • Calcium (Ca): 260 mg/l
    • Magnesium (Mg): 110 mg/l
    • Chloride (Cl): 2000 mg/l
    • Sulphate (SO4): 240 mg/l
    • Nitrate (NO3): 24 mg/l
    • Nitrite (NO2): <0.1 mg/l

Given these demanding water parameters, Alfiltra developed a custom-made reverse osmosis system that not only meets the high demand but also significantly improves the water quality. Our system now ensures that the resort is supplied with 6 cubic meters of pure, drinkable water every day - ideal for the needs of guests seeking relaxation and health.

Result: The installation of the osmosis system went smoothly and the yoga resort in Portugal now enjoys first-class drinking water. Our solution not only provides a reliable water supply, but also contributes to the well-being and satisfaction of the resort guests.
