References Installation fee for duplex systems up to duplex 180

Welcome to our "References" section! Here we proudly present our customers' experiences with our products and services. In this gallery you will find a selection of customer images that impressively show how our water treatment systems are used successfully in various environments. Accompanied by personal testimonials, we offer you an authentic insight into the quality and reliability of our solutions. Be inspired and see for yourself what results you can expect with our products!
Duplex-Pro-120 Enthärtungsanlage im Mehrfamilienhaus
Reference #79963 from May 10, 2024

Flexschlauch 1,25'' (100 cm lang), Flexschlauch 1,25'' (150 cm lang), KFR Oberteil DN32

Duplex 120 Enthärtungsanlage für ein Waschanlage
Reference #59652 from Oct 22, 2019

Abwasserschlauch WS1, FILTRASOFT Duplex 120 WS1-TT Enthärtungsanlage, Flexschlauch 1'' (75 cm lang) 2xÜM, FILTRASOFT Wasserhärte-Testset 1x 15 ml, OVENTROP Anschluss-Armatur 1" mit Verschneidung, Montagepauschale Duplex Anlagen bis 180, 5 Säcke Spezialsalz für Ionentauscher
