CLACK WS1 Read out consumption statistics

Jan 31, 2024, 2:04:29 PM

Consumption statistics

  • You are on level 1 (time display: see here )
  • Press the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW buttons simultaneously for about 5 seconds
  • RAIN DAY: Days since the last regeneration
  • Press the NEXT button
  • RAIN: Flow in m³ since the last regeneration
  • Press the NEXT button
  • DAY: Remaining capacity - by pressing the UP ARROW / DOWN ARROW buttons you can jump forward or back one day (A0 - today, A1 - yesterday, etc.)
  • Press the NEXT button
  • DAY: Soft water produced in m³ - by pressing the ARROW UP / ARROW DOWN buttons you jump forward or back one day (A0 - today, A1 - yesterday, etc.)
  • Press the NEXT button
  • Maximum flow in the last 7 days
  • Press the NEXT button
  • You are back on level 1

Detailed statistics

  • You are on level 1 (see above)
  • Press the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW buttons simultaneously for about 5 seconds
  • Press the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW buttons simultaneously again
  • DAY: Days since commissioning
  • Press the NEXT button
  • RAIN: Regenerations since commissioning
  • Press the NEXT button
  • Total volume in m³ since commissioning
  • Press the NEXT button
  • You are back on level 1