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Water treatment for sterilization systems

Your requirements are high - so are ours

Sterilizers for medical purposes use distilled or demineralized water to produce the pure steam or ultrapure steam required for sterilization. The water used for production must be very pure and meet the highest quality standards. As a rule, a conductance of less than 15 µS/cm is required at 20°C room temperature.

The reverse osmosis systems and mixed bed filters from alfiltra ensure that these high quality requirements are met and only purified water is used for sterilization. Reverse osmosis is even a little more thorough than softening systems or disinfection systems: not only salts are removed, but also all carbon compounds and microorganisms.

Our industrial reverse osmosis systems are delivered on a stable frame. These systems meet the highest demands and are also designed for high water consumption. You can control your system via USB or Internet.

If the water is hard, we recommend connecting a water softening system before reverse osmosis in order to relieve the load on the membrane in reverse osmosis and thus ensure a longer service life for the membrane.

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