How should I fill my pool with a water softener

Jan 31, 2024, 2:48:25 PM

Our softening systems work volume-controlled. The microprocessor works self-learning and calculates your average consumption. If you fill your pool once a year, it could be that your water softening system is overwhelmed. Single-column systems (basic systems) in particular are not designed to absorb a sudden increase in consumption. We therefore generally recommend our duplex systems to pool owners, as they are equipped with 2 pressure tanks.


How should I proceed with single-column systems (Basic)?

With the basic systems you have two options for filling your pool:

  • While the pool is being filled, you switch the softening system to bypass and therefore have no soft water in the pool
  • You fill the pool gradually and make sure that the system does not exceed its capacity (you can read the current remaining capacity on the display)

How should I proceed with two-column systems (duplex)?

  • Normally nothing needs to be taken into account with duplex systems, but the pool should not be filled too quickly so that the columns can regenerate in time
  • Here too, the remaining capacity can be read on the display

In general, 6-7 hours must pass after each regeneration so that the salt in the container dissolves and the brine is formed. Depending on the size of the pool, filling it can take several days in both cases.

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